Margaret's Curls
(Kennedy-J., 2021)
Dip M 36" 5.75" DOR, Fragrant
Spider Ratio 4.4:1

Ruffled yellow apricot blend with rose pink chevron eye above vivid green to citron throat, recessed midribs on petals.

Pod and pollen fertile.

(Tutti Frutti Curls X Just Jessie)

Named in memory of my mother, Margaret Brown, who had beautiful reddish brown hair that she curled every night. The precise small ruffles on the sepals of Margaret's Curls remind me of her perfectly curled hair. Pictured below, the clump of Margaret's Curls made quite a display in the seedling bed at the Norfolk Botanical Garden during the 2017 AHS convention. It is a sibling to Blackberry Picking with James, selected from a cross that produced a wide array of colors, all tall and fragrant.

$50 DF (Held for Increase)


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